Alternativt arbejde Cleaning Fun during coffee break Good information Helping How do you say that in spanish? Installation af nyt tandlægebor Klar til at erobre verden Mayaruinerne Copan Papagøjerne Maren, Tuity og Hachi i vores baghave Store problemer med nødstrømsgeneratoren Testing The Team Without power My hospitalpartner Justin and I while working on a laboratory exercise. The 23 participants from the Summer Institute Tanzania and the teachers. Most of the participants were americans and Merete and I were the first danish students participating in the program. My partner Justin and I ready for taking off to the hosthospitals with our medical equipment donations. Demonstrating the use of the reusable ECG pads to the hospital staff with one of the nurses as the testperson. Justin and I dressed up and ready to follow a cataract surgery. Demonstration of our donations for the hosthospitals docters and nurses. Very happy after returning a repaired patient monitor to the operating room. Me while teaching how to was my clothes by hand, like they do in Tanzania, and it takes like forever. Cleaning the tubes of a bloodanalyser they used for diagnostics of HIV/AIDS. Me and my always smilying hostfather and swahiliteacher Mr. Kisanji. My swahili team with the teacher Rita. The teams were only with 6 students so your learned very much through the course. Test af et puls-oximeter under værkstedsøvelserne Kompakt hjemmebygget strømforsyning Reparation af en respirator til nyfødte Arbejdsbordet med diverse udstyr, der skal repareres Hospital Juan Manuel Galvez Byskiltet i Gracias byder de få turister velkommen Fire bjergbestigere på det højeste punkt i Honduras Gracias er en lille hyggelig by mellem høje bjerge Hospitalet med Honduras højeste bjerg i baggrunden Vi byggede en værktøjstavle, så hospitalets teknikere fik overblik over deres værktøj The incubator we fixed The best Spanish group, basic level Ric explaining ESU - Turialba Hospital - 17June2011 Rafting Group Pic Welcome to El Progreso On a ferry to the islands Our team of pros Hospital El Progreso Copan Ruins Broken ventilator On the streets of El Progreso On the beach in Manuel Antonio

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