Participants from EWH Aalborg University

Marko Jörg Niemeier

Marko Jörg Niemeier

During the last 4½ years of my education as Biomedical engineer I gained a deep, mostly theoretical, knowledge about developing and maintaining medical equipment for various applications in hospitals. The EWH summer programme offers an excellent opportunity to prove and develop my practical skills as engineer by repairing basic medical equipment. With my humanitarian work I will get the chance to enable people in the third world to receive better medical treatment and at the same time I will get to know a completely new culture and language. I apply for the EWH summer program because I believe that it will be a striking life-experience with a lasting impression on my personal development.


Charlotte Sørensen

After three years of Biomedical Engineering study in combination with an interest in making a difference in the Third World there is now an opportunity to make a difference. EWH allows you to come to Tanzania and help with specific projects within the repair of medical equipment. I hope to provide some of the poorest an option for hospital treatments. I hope to use my technical skills from the study and learn some new ones. This in combination with the meeting of a new and different culture, I hope to get a fantastic experience this summer.


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