Anders Schierup

Just do it!

I was participating in EWH Summer Institute in the sunny Costa Rica and Honduras in 2009. As a lonely bird from Aalborg University I had to wrestle with Spanish speaking hospitals in Central America and students from e.g. Duke, Harvard and Cambridge universities, and what an experience it was!

Under my stay we had many challenges: Reparation of all kinds of medical equipment, water pumps, power generators. We got even more challenges with a government that got overthrown and a new language that had to be learned.

But when we had overcomed those challenges a bounty of treasures waited for us with international friendships, hands-on knowledge with reparation and design of medical equipment, new/improved language skills and unique and incredible adventures for a lifetime!


Anders Schierup

Alternativt arbejde Cleaning Fun during coffee break Good information Helping How do you say that in spanish? Installation af nyt tandlægebor Klar til at erobre verden Mayaruinerne Copan Papagøjerne Maren, Tuity og Hachi i vores baghave Store problemer med nødstrømsgeneratoren Testing The Team Without power

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