Gynter Schneider


Gynter Schneider, biomedical engineering student at Aalborg University

My best summer with relevance to my studies!

In the summer 2009 I volunteered for the EWH Summer Institute in Tanzania which was a very good experience, and it has definitely been my best summer until now.

One of the best experiences I had through the program was that I could use my knowledge from my BME classes for repairing medical equipment and not only to pass tests. During the month at the host hospital my partner and I had big challenges; we repaired e.g. ECG machines, sterilizers and more equipment, and we made reusable ECG pads and tested operation oxygen concentrators.

The program was really relevant to our studies and I can only recommend the program for other students!

My hospitalpartner Justin and I while working on a laboratory exercise. The 23 participants from the Summer Institute Tanzania and the teachers. Most of the participants were americans and Merete and I were the first danish students participating in the program. My partner Justin and I ready for taking off to the hosthospitals with our medical equipment donations. Demonstrating the use of the reusable ECG pads to the hospital staff with one of the nurses as the testperson. Justin and I dressed up and ready to follow a cataract surgery. Demonstration of our donations for the hosthospitals docters and nurses. Very happy after returning a repaired patient monitor to the operating room. Me while teaching how to was my clothes by hand, like they do in Tanzania, and it takes like forever. Cleaning the tubes of a bloodanalyser they used for diagnostics of HIV/AIDS. Me and my always smilying hostfather and swahiliteacher Mr. Kisanji. My swahili team with the teacher Rita. The teams were only with 6 students so your learned very much through the course.

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