Ulrik Landberg Stephansen

I attended the EWH Summer Institute in Central America in the summer 2010. It was an absolutely amazing summer. The first month went by learning Spanish, which is the local language of Central America. We were also given lectures in how to repair and maintain different medical devices. The classes were in a group of 26 students from many different countries, mostly USA and Britain.

It was a valuable experience to be with students from so different backgrounds and to listen to their views on the world and on health care in the third world.

During the second month I was stationed in a cosy little town named Gracias in Honduras. We helped the hospital fixing much old and worn equipment. Doing this I gained valuable hands-on experience working with medical equipment and insight into what will work in a country like Honduras.

The summer institute also gave me a unique glimpse of Central American culture and lifestyle. If you have the chance I will definitely recommend you to go next summer. It is a trip that will expand your understanding of the world and give you unique experience for your future carrier.

Test af et puls-oximeter under værkstedsøvelserne Kompakt hjemmebygget strømforsyning Reparation af en respirator til nyfødte Arbejdsbordet med diverse udstyr, der skal repareres Hospital Juan Manuel Galvez Byskiltet i Gracias byder de få turister velkommen Fire bjergbestigere på det højeste punkt i Honduras Gracias er en lille hyggelig by mellem høje bjerge Hospitalet med Honduras højeste bjerg i baggrunden Vi byggede en værktøjstavle, så hospitalets teknikere fik overblik over deres værktøj

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